The Republican Party of the U.S. was in deep crisis
Web petition to withdraw from the U.S. White House residents have filed more than thirty states. The most popular are the initiatives taken on behalf of the people of Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama and Georgia. Petitions filed through the pro
gram "We The People", which the Obama Administration launched in 2011.
Users are placed separatist petition online "We The People" after the presidential elections on 6 November, which resulted in Democrat Obama in January should come in the second term of presidency. The authors declare opposition to initiatives of the federal government policy and support peaceful acquisition of its independence from the states of Washington. All petitions on this subject can be found on the tag Government Reform ("Public Administration Reform").
Under the program "We The People" Presidential Administration has committed to consider any petition of citizens, who for thirty days to gather 25,000 signatures, and give a response. Until a certain threshold crossed only Texas (more than 67 000 signatures) and Louisiana (more than 27,000), but thirteen petitions have already collected over ten thousand signatures.
The idea of independence of Texas was widely discussed in the U.S. in 2009, when the possibility of such a development, said the governor, Republican Rick Perry. Subsequently, however, play the separatist card Perry did not, but after the Texas Web petition hastened to declare that it does not bound. Meanwhile, some supporters of the unity of the United States also posted on the website "We The People" their petition: in particular, they urged the separatists to deny citizenship and expel them from the country.
Users are placed separatist petition online "We The People" after the presidential elections on 6 November, which resulted in Democrat Obama in January should come in the second term of presidency. The authors declare opposition to initiatives of the federal government policy and support peaceful acquisition of its independence from the states of Washington. All petitions on this subject can be found on the tag Government Reform ("Public Administration Reform").
Under the program "We The People" Presidential Administration has committed to consider any petition of citizens, who for thirty days to gather 25,000 signatures, and give a response. Until a certain threshold crossed only Texas (more than 67 000 signatures) and Louisiana (more than 27,000), but thirteen petitions have already collected over ten thousand signatures.
The idea of independence of Texas was widely discussed in the U.S. in 2009, when the possibility of such a development, said the governor, Republican Rick Perry. Subsequently, however, play the separatist card Perry did not, but after the Texas Web petition hastened to declare that it does not bound. Meanwhile, some supporters of the unity of the United States also posted on the website "We The People" their petition: in particular, they urged the separatists to deny citizenship and expel them from the country.