ABC 728x90

Friday, June 28, 2013

$ 1.4 billion for the Obama family.

For the maintenance of the U.S. president and his family out of the state budget allocated almost 25 times more than the British Treasury spends the entire royal family. In 2011, notes citing, a family of Barack Obama spent $ 1.4 billion, and the Windsors have cost taxpayers $ 57.8 million.

These huge amounts of money the U.S. spends on President flights, life in hotels, entertainment, and salaries for employees. By the way, the cost for the year 2011 was a record in the history of America.

Compared with its predecessors Obama has the largest population on the staff, but this staff - the highest salaries. Obama has 469 employees, 226 of whom earn more than 100,000 dollars a year.

For example, 102,000 dollars in 2011 were spent on ... caretaker for the family dog. And the White House projectionist on duty (24 hours): what if someone close to the president will want to watch a movie.

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