ABC 728x90

Sunday, November 17, 2013


If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

Reagan Warned Us About Obama

Finally, someone asks Obama the right question...

Obama's Ridiculous and Unbelievable Speech

Love Obama? This Will Piss You Off (But You Need To Hear It)

Bill Cosby Comments on Obama's Broken Promises

Chuck Norris: Wake Up America!

Jon Voight tells the truth about Obama. Wake up America.

Michelle Obama proves her husband is not an American

Michelle Obama why do you hate white people?

Very Awkward Moment For Michelle Obama

EVERY U.S. CITIZEN SHOULD WATCH THIS - "The End of America" as we know it.

The First Few Days After The Dollar Crashes - Buy "Stuff" Now


The President Who Told The TRUTH!!!

The Official Obama Gangnam Style! - Reggie Brown

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Celebration of the Great October Revolution in Russia. November 7, 1917.

On this day in 1917, we were given the chance to break away from its trough , his hands free from the chains and try to build a brighter great happiness for everyone, but private trough we have not let go , now sucking each in its own, and it is different for each , and now we are not up to the great causes of buildings, wins. And so sorry for the dead people for universal happiness , for the conquest of those people that we have lost. Equality and fraternity , the right to work, to a dignified old age , free medical care and education , it's all a thing of the past. Now we just resent the corruption and theft of some, and the complete omission of ourselves and others about this, and dreams of a truck with gingerbread on our street. CONGRATULATIONS YOU COMRADES ! ( even those who consider themselves to be ) .

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