ABC 728x90

Friday, May 30, 2014

Jen Psak: Sixth Fleet - to the shores of Belarus!

Incompetence rather blatant incompetence - is now fashionable . Writers plagiarists , surveyors do not differ from leveling theodolite opticians who are not able to measure the distance between the pupils , the defense ministers , who studied at the philologists , ambassadors sent by the government to the country that they can not find on the map , future U.S. presidents who do not know , as in their country of states - all these are the most common examples of modernity. Jennifer Psak such justification is required. She was Obama's press secretary and now is the State Department - and is aiming to press the White House . Its main difference from the Bush and Obama is that if the first right off the couch psychiatrist can assure all of humanity that attack on Iraq, it is commanded by God , the second announces congressmen that the car - an American invention , the action- Jen did not able to declare . It does not have that Clifford Simak called the power of imagination . And so it remains simply defy (even , we would say , proud ) his own ignorance of everything. Psak - the public face of the Department of State , the figure personifying the entire U.S. foreign policy and to report thereon to the frequent briefings to journalists the world's leading media. What did Psak reports world? Why come to the point that the lady in Russian called " The Circus Princess " and the first channel exaggerates the subject of the transfer of the 6th U.S. Navy " to the shores of Belarus," Lukashenko as allegedly said Psak is about to invade the independent Ukraine ? "In the Internet - has a series of anecdotes :" As stated Psak . " Such as : " If Belarus invade Ukraine , the U.S. Sixth Fleet will be immediately thrown to the shores of Belarus ." The fact that Belarus has no shores, the State Department does not bother . As stated Psak ... " Asked at a briefing about the market economy , involving Russia and Ukraine . As you know , the first to the second sells gas , and the second which did not pay . Painting , for a market economy abnormal . Or Psak believes that Russia may not demand money for your gas? " Russian saying that they want to get money for the gas that they have already put in Ukraine, - said M. Lee. - You agree that this is the normal basis of commodity-money relations ? " Trying to evade a direct answer , but suffered in the fiasco Psak said: " Matt, I 'll deal with joy in this matter, when I get back to my office ." But much more curious statement Psak : "We want to have Ukraine was complimentary access to volumes of gas , if required . As you all know , natural gas is transported by pipeline from Western Europe through Ukraine to Russia ... " It's time to ask: why are these monstrously incompetent person is charged in U.S. policy and voiced her nothing shy ?

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