According «WikiLeaks», Poroshenko and at the same time acted as the main informant then U.S. Ambassador John Herbst. We are talking about the consultations on the formation of a new cabinet in Ukraine. Herbst and his leadership of the U.S. State Department rechecked the information provided by an informant named as full confidence in Mr. Deputy experienced. Why not?
It turns out that Poroshenko suspected of involvement in the preparation of a policy to eliminate Alexander Turchinov with simultaneous weakening of Yulia Tymoshenko. Turchinov at the time, recall, was one of the deputies of the "gas princess".
Wikileaks: Poroshenko informant spoke of the American ambassador in Kiev
Thus, the history of political career Poroshenko simple: from illegitimate (that is, one that does not trust) informant - a legitimate president.
But here's a little caveat: the legitimate president of Ukraine Poroshenko believes himself.
And another thing: even if a great BH Obama declares someone a legitimate president, declared it as such does not. For legitimate by definition can only be in the event that if you trust people.
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