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Thursday, May 23, 2013

USA: the blind leading the blind

In January 2013 Barack Obama at a press conference at the White House summed up his work for the first term in office. His statement was so contrary to all that he has done and continues to do what is necessary to bring a small excerpt from it. "Our economy is growing, creating new jobs - we will have a good year, but only if we take smart decisions, we make safe investments, and if the politicians in Washington will not be on the path of progress of the nation" - was quoted as saying " euronews " .

USA: the blind leading the blind

As you can see, there's a lot of things: the creation of new jobs, and the announcement in 2013 "good" and "smart solutions", and the irony about the fact that "politics in Washington" will not prevent progress of the nation. The impression that we are talking about the period of Reaganomics, and not on the board of the crisis Mr. Obama's presidency that is sure to become worse by the economic results of the previous reign, chosen people - George W. Bush, a great specialist in the history, geography and expert in military affairs .

Where progresses American nation, recently told the Washington correspondent for the channel«RT» Gayane Chichakyan. While the U.S. leads in innovation and technology, but the question is whether States retain their positions. And the answer to that question appears to be the experts, can be found in American schools. In the world rankings on knowledge of mathematics 15-year-old students from the United States ranked 25th. Well, if it was in the ranking of 200 seats, the result would have been beyond praise. But the rating of only 34 seats. And who is there first? Chinese, American teenagers peers. Harvard University published a report on the results of the study entitled "The Global Challenge: are American students to compete?" Scientists have tried to establish a link between school performance in mathematics and economic development of the country. According to their estimates, the current performance of young Americans in the discipline cost the country over the next 80 years at 75 trillion dollars, that is probably for a trillion per year will be "fucked" because of Losers, quitters and those who simply do not flogs in mathematics . One of the authors of the Harvard study, Stanford University Professor Eric Hanushek, an expert on the economic analysis in the field of education, said:

"This is an extremely important factor. If in the next 20 years we will be able to improve our schools, it will allow a 5-fold increase in U.S. GDP, compared to current levels. "

The correspondent asked the professor why American students perform poorly in math. What was the main reason? turns out, it's not about the money. seems largely a matter of the quality of teachers, according to the professor. There are, of course, the problem with the curriculum and textbooks, but most importantly - a teacher. The study found that it is they who are most influential on school performance. As China puts on science and technology in schools, the United States rolled back. Obama is aware that his country is already far not as good as it was once. Speaking to senators, he said:

"We will promote cooperation between schools with colleges and employers, as well as create special classes with intensive study of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. After all, the knowledge required by employers today and will be in demand in the future. "

There will be, of course. But Obama said will remain a talking, if only because that the development of education, he did absolutely nothing. On the contrary, it's when it became famous Harvard students pervasive cheating. In February 2013 some 60 students of the university were expelled after the massive cheating in the exam for the lightest course titled "Fundamentals of the Congress."Obama himself, is also a Harvard slowpoke, in the United States totaled fifty seven states and stated that the car invented in the U.S., and Bush, his predecessor as president, and another Harvard graduate, rubbed his pants in the White House for eight years, believed that Afghanistan and Iraq - is in Africa, Australia confused with Austria, Slovakia with Slovenia, and APEC with OPEC. U.S. high-tech companies from "Microsoft" to "Intel", used to employ immigrants. First, they can pay a fraction, and secondly, Hedhantery always bring the best. Thus, the completion of a highly skilled labor market is outside, not inside, which can not absorb talker Obama. (Well, nothing Gorbachev?) Employers are not interested in an expensive American Manpower and the problems of teaching mathematics and technical subjects in the United States they do not care. Employers are interested in profit, and the production of many firms have long displayed in the same China. Obama seems not so naive as to believe blindly in native mathematical progress of the nation, and is well aware that "smart solutions" of which he speaks to senators - an empty phrase. It was empty: according to the Russian saying goes, ringing in the empty barrel more. How did Obama come to power? And it's simple: with the help of "undecided". Here's what is written on this subject American Galina Belokurova online - very accurately and briefly:

"The American electoral system is arranged so that the main struggle is always unfolding for higher turnout and votes of undecided voters. Because the active registered voters almost never change their minds, they are difficult to persuade. undecided voters - it's mostly the poor, blacks and young people. In all these categories, Obama managed to get a convincing majority.Obama won, even in those states where people seldom vote for the Democrats. Although his presidency from the beginning promised to be very difficult, even without the global economic crisis. Too radical positions and held his own, and Republican voters: those waiting for a miracle, the other - a complete failure. "

Miracles, as we know, does not happen. Well, except in fairy tales. But the policy - not a fairy tale.And so happened, "one of two", I mean a failure. Ekaterina Kravchenko and Pauline Khimshiashvili ( ) presented data on the "success", reached U.S. under Obama. "I want every American to know that we will build all over again, we will recover, and the United States will again be stronger than before, "- Mr. Obama promised a keynote speech before Congress in early 2009.These are the words, but deeds. Unemployment rose from 5.8% in 2008 to 8.1% in 2012, the OECD predicts the growth rate of private consumption in the country will grow from 1.9% to 2,1-2, 9% in 2013, the public sector - will continue to decline (by 1% in 2012, by 0.5% - up to 2013 and 0.8% - in 2014). Tore Obama and his own promise to achieve in short term double-declining budget deficit inherited from the Bush administration (with a 1.3 trillion. dollars to 533 billion dollars). U.S. national debt has increased from 71.6% of GDP in 2008 to 109.8% in 2012, the national debt trend growth in the next two years will not be able to reverse: the level of public debt will rise from 109.8% to 114.1% of GDP by 2014 ., analysts predict that the OECD. All of this can already safely be called a road to stagnation. "We expect a good year," Yes, Mr. Obama? This ironic question Americans are entitled to ask their president. Sergei Selin ( "Rosbalt" ) writes:

"The problem of America today is not only and not so much the fact that Obama, in which the updater for some reason saw the American Dream, was trivial, maloprimechatelnym talker. Much more serious problem is the lack of public will to a dramatic upgrade, though its necessity is long overdue. Accordingly, the new Reagan on the American horizon yet to be seen. "

When Obama came the budget sequestration. He grew up government debt. In May, the United States has once again started to act on the debt ceiling bill. Ceiling rebuilt on a new level - about 16.7 trillion. dollars, reports Trend. Itar-Tass Kirsanov . Problems with the service this debt, as the Minister of Finance has assured Jacob Lew, the federal government is not expected until September. Obviously, in September, will break another "black" day, and Republican hawks will again become furiously peck Democrat Obama. "Trusted investment" that everyone interprets Obama is nothing like printing money substitutes with machine Fed, Ben Bernanke managed smiling. For the uninformed crowd these activities on a mystical economic language referred to as "quantitative easing program." In Russia, these "programs" are called printing wrappers.

"However, what ultimately will respond mad money already made ​​and handed out by Obama and Bernanke, no one really knows - says S. Schelin ( "Rosbalt" ). - All of these wholly unsecured trillions of dollars, some of which are related to the different timing of ways, and often even free, can now pour anywhere. Yesterday, they flooded the commodity markets, oil prices vzduvaya.Today, they are attacking the equity markets, making market indexes, despite the stagnation of the economy, suddenly soared to record heights. Tomorrow may crawl up consumer price inflation, or, conversely, the stock market crash occur with all its charms - the decline in production and a surge in unemployment. "

In foreign policy, too, for it is difficult to find at least one outcome that would justify'm not the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama issued in advance (this is the pieces of silver for Libya, it should be), but something useful for the United States. Iraq? But it worked for Bush. And Obama, Prime Minister al-Maliki explained that this is wrong - I believe that Iraq "someone's patrimony." Afghanistan, where the U.S. jostle in 2001? If we assume that the achievement of annual growth of opium poppy crops there, and in recent years, and hemp, then Obama certainly should enroll in the foremost agriculture. Afghanistan now supplies the world more than 90% of raw materials for the manufacture of heroin. Under Obama, even Karzai began to act against the United States. Bret Stephens ( "The Wall Street Journal" , the source-language - "Inopressa" ) reminded readers of the book, Henry Kissinger, "Does America Need a Foreign Policy?", published a few months before the attacks on September 11, 2001 year. The name of the book, says columnist - a fundamental and prophetic. "It is predicted Barack Obama and the America for which it stands," - writes Bret Stephens. The author explains:

"This is America resides somewhere between mild anxiety and happy indifference to the fact that the world beyond our shores is in incredibly poor condition. Iran is close to getting the bomb?This seems to be inevitable. Syria's chemical weapons hanging around like tennis balls will roll?Their problem. Islamism spread across the Arab world? This is a democracy, will understand.Vladimir Putin revives the practice of grandstanding lawsuits? What a shame. China is the idea of ​​war with Japan? Will understand. "

Three scandal involving the White House shocked the United States in recent months. Byussar Stephen ( "Le Temps" ; Russian-language source - "Inopressa" ) identified in its submission scandals involving wiretapping of journalists «Associated Press», with preconceived checks conservative NGOs IRS and the attack on the consulate in Benghazi. They broke out in the most unfavorable time for Barack Obama. "Three of these crisis can forge it as" Irangate "- Ronald Reagan, and the case Lewinsky - Bill Clinton" - said the reporter. Presentation of two senior officials of the U.S. State Department added fuel to the fire of a long-standing scandal with the attack on the consulate in Benghazi. At a congressional hearing diplomats said that the Obama administration did not take seriously warnings about security threats in Libya. In addition, the White House tried to cover up the attack on the consulate is actually the base of the CIA, was committed by Islamic radicals that Obama could continue to play the card of victory over the "Al-Qaeda" in his presidential race. "Congressmen from the Republican Party, in part responsible for what happened because they did not just embassies refused to tighten security, are not going to miss the prey "- sums up the reporter. Employees of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) should be responsible for enhanced checks on opposition groups, said President Barack Obama after scandal inspections of NGOs. The corresponding statement quoted Obama corr. RIA "Novosti" Peter Martynychev : "The audit revealed unacceptable and unforgivable things. The federal government must be worthy of the public trust. I asked the Minister of Finance to bring the perpetrators to justice. " The fact is that the Internal Revenue Service has arranged additional checks qualify for tax-exempt status of 75 organizations whose titles included the word "patriot" or "tea party." Opposition Republicans and conservative press reported that the IRS solved the problem of political struggle. It clarifies"," with reference to «CBS News», checks were carried out for at least 18 months - starting in 2010. Also, the administration of U.S. President has come under fire criticism of the investigation, which started the country's Ministry of Justice in respect of the information agency "Associated Press" reports Trend. RIA "Novosti" Alex Bogdanovsky . U.S. Department of Justice on May 10 informed the news agency that received a printout of calls from 20 phone lines, "AR" for April and May 2012. A spokesman for the White House spokesman Jay Carney said the administration would not comment on the situation with the agency, but under pressure from journalists reported that Barack Obama supports the freedom of the press. representative of the American Civil Liberties Union Ben Wisner, said: "Getting a wide range of telephone records to fish the person who gave the leak from the government - is an unacceptable abuse of power. Freedom of the press - the basis of democracy, and that freedom is often dependent on a confidential communication between reporters and their sources. ' "Reporters without Borders" called the action of the U.S. authorities in respect of the agency "exceptionally serious violation of freedom of information." Not only in the newspaper «The Daily Beast "transmits the "RT" , appeared the material in which it was stated that in respect of the freedom of speech, U.S. President Barack Obama is even worse than the originator of the Watergate scandal, Richard Nixon. Members of the media are concerned that the government treated them as spies. The correspondent «RT» Gayane Chichakyan told that the U.S. Justice Department not only requested a personal email correspondents channel «Fox News», but also said that James Rosen was "an accomplice , partner and / or member of the conspiracy "in connection with the fact that the published information from the U.S. State Department employee. Colleagues Rosen protested the fact that a journalist called a criminal simply for the fulfillment of his duties."crusade against the president of journalists aimed at ensuring that citizens no longer learned about the abuse of prisoners, about listening to the phone without a court order, and such things," - said Neill McDonald, a correspondent for the Canadian television channel CBC. Under Obama against reporters was filed more cases than all other U.S. presidents combined. Same «The Daily Beast» argues that freedom of speech Obama behaves worse than the culprit Watergate scandal, Richard Nixon. According to the newspaper «The Seattle Times», the Obama administration has filed six cases against journalists and their informants. Well, it would seem , Obama's rating should be shaken from such failures. However, we all remember how Hillary Clinton's rating jumped when she was questioned in the past year with an addiction (brought to hysterics) Senators - about the tragedy in Benghazi. Whether because of the "tough questions" of Republican senators, either because Hillary misbehaved, but in January 2013 she was the most popular politician in the United States. She jumped "favorability rating", almost as temperatures have influenza. He has reached a "huge" 67 percent (the survey results «Washington Post» / «ABC News»). This means that sixty seven percent of Americans are positive about the activities of Secretary of State. Since that January day, Hillary Clinton is a clear favorite of the presidential race in 2016 for the Democratic Party. Despite the scandals, rating Obama, though not increased, but did not fall. Russian service of the "Voice of America" ​​May 20 passed, more than half of Americans approve of his job President, despite the outbreak of the U.S. scandals of the Internal Revenue Service, collecting data about the calls of journalists «Associated Press» and the terrorist attack in Benghazi. According to the survey broadcaster «CNN», conducted jointly with «ORC International», 53% of Americans approves of Barack Obama, while 45% - disapproves. In April, Obama's rating was 51%. According to experts, talk about the growth ranking is not necessary, because the margin of error is 3%. Nevertheless, 53% is still more than 51%. director Polls «CNN» Keating Holland notes that the approval rating, which remains above 50%, - good news for Democrats. Thus, Gorbachev Obama can safely say three and a half years on the construction of developed socialism job creation, smart solutions and reliable investment, as well as the educational system closely with employers about the employment future mathematicians and engineers. Americans should know that Washington's policies will not stand in the way of progress of the nation. And if China starts its educated cadres to push the U.S. economy, it will have to deal with the U.S. Navy. Unless, of course, this fleet will not eat regular sequestration.

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