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Monday, May 6, 2013

What will kill western civilization ?

Variants The End of Western Civilization in abundance. They are nothing less than the rebirth of the same options of the West: a shale oil shale gas well, which likes to remember the television vain fellow Leontiev, 3D printing technology, robomeditsiny seven-mile pace, striding straight to immortality, the final victory over global terrorism - probably in the form of adoption in Europe and the United States of Sharia, and in parallel across the complete triumph of tolerance in the form of building an earthly paradise for homosexuals, pedophiles and other representatives of the vanguard detachment of social progress. West End also can come from broadcasting propaganda channel «Russia Today», the carefully calculated hackers from wobbling euro and the dollar collapse, from the purchase of Russian-Chinese gold from the debt crisis in the eurozone, from the above-mentioned tolerance, disastrous policies of neo-colonialism, which moved from Africa to some European "fiefdom" like Cyprus, Greece or Spain from becoming remnants of democracy in the ordinary dictatorship, from the collapse of the education system (this is when Americans are confused with the Czech Republic Chechnya and Georgia with the State of Georgia, and plan the bombing, Without looking at a map of the world). Same point in the history of Western civilization will put ... "Twitter".

Versions of the western renaissance look extremely doubtful, and therefore we will not consider them, and proceed directly to The End of Western Civilization.

I. In recent days gossekretarskie (February this year) Mrs. Hillary Clinton acknowledged with pleasure: the United States of America losing the global information war. In an interview with correspondent «Russia Today» Gayane Chichakyan, Clinton admitted that the transfer looks «RT», and then complained that the U.S. private media can not cope with advocacy efforts. Blatant and Hillary did not hide the fact that the U.S. is in a state of information war with Russia. And in this war is not won victories «CNN», namely «Russia Today».

Hillary believes that: 1) the American media since Mr. Gorbachev relaxed, and 2) pursue private media, according to Clinton, the objectives are contrary to American values, and 3) Russian meanwhile created a magnificent «RT».

Victory «RT» recognized and decaying Europe. German «Tagesspiegel» writes that the success of the Russian TV network has changed the position of the weights of bowls: the West was at the bottom, in a defensive position. The Germans say that today «RT» along with "Gazprom" and the arms trade - the most effective tool of Russian foreign policy.

The power of propaganda «RT» is that the audience appears duplicitous, through fake world of Western politics. World going toyu samoyu the way, we would add that once successfully outlined friend Spengler.

II. April 23 Syrian hackers have rocked the Western world to the very valuable foundation. The guys from the "Syrian Electronic Army" hacked account «Associated Press» to "tweet" and spread false information about the terrorist attack at the White House.

The public, in tusuyuschayasya "Twitter", grabbed the head: it turns out, the White House destroyed by two explosions, terrorists rejoice, and Mr. Obama is heavily wounded. In the U.S., reeling and twitching securities market indexes: not all realized that the news was "fabricated." Favorite American speculators, the Dow Jones fell by 136 points - for some few minutes. In the West, "Twitter" used to believe.

In fake tweet saying that the White House two explosions, and the U.S. president was wounded: "Urgent news: two explosions in the White House, Barack Obama and wounded."

III. The rating agency «Standard & Poor's» recently downgraded the fall in GDP in the euro area in 2013 to 0.5%. Previously, it was a decline of 0.1%. But because of the difficult financial situation of the scale of reduction may increase to five times! Finishes off the proverbial situation of Cyprus since its beginning by "clipping" of deposits. And it's not just Cyprus. The collapse of the banking system of Cyprus, grows stronger crises in Greece, Spain and other "peripheral" countries of the EU, it seems about to achieve a single European currency. Eurozone recession is inevitable. Solutions like Cyprus, now fear in Spain. In Greece. At any time, soft aid "sick" economy may be replaced by surgery - the expropriation of money.

As for the dollar (also known as petrodollar) that its position in world trade passes is not as fast as the euro, were pressing him on the BRICS countries, Japan and even Australia. All this is due to the fact that world trade is now tied to China, and not to the countries of the West, among them the United States. Not only that, the other day BRICS countries agreed to set up a development bank that would compete with the IMF. It is created to work in a "posledollarovogo" world.

Marin Catoosa of «Casey Research» recalls that the bulk of the dollar's value stems from the ligament with the oil industry: if the dollar-oil monopoly order to live long, and the same thing will happen to the value of the dollar. And there is one outcome that can be predicted is certain: gold will go up.

IV. In 2012, the central banks of various countries bought almost 15 million troy ounces of gold. Against other distinguished Russian Central Bank and the People's Bank of China. The agency «Bloomberg» Russia's called "the main gold buyers decade." The reason for interest in gold in Russia and China overall, analysts' Finmarket ": the decline or even collapse of the dollar preordained, and the gold will not allow huge reserves of regulators impaired.

In fact, Russia is turning its "black gold" in the usual: Bank of Russia for 10 years, has bought 570 tons of gold. If we assume that the troy ounce is worth $ 165, the purchase price is approximately $ 30 billion.

Jeff Clark of «Casey Research» believes that the first - yet the People's Bank of China, which buys more gold, but nobody talks about it. According to official estimates, the NSC today owns 1,054 tons of gold.

There is a growing gold reserves in Turkey, Brazil and other countries. And is not that important, you see, who in the gold race first. Important trend.

Analysts' Finmarket "answered the question of why central banks are" desperate "are buying the yellow metal. Russian officials have openly declared that gold will ensure the sovereignty of the country, if something were to happen to the dollar or the euro. A comrade Hu Jintao, former head of China, said that the current world monetary system is a "product of the past."

V. The latest news coming from «Bank of Cyprus» - the largest of the former Bank of Cyprus, which is now the new face of gloomy faltering eurozone economy - suggest the completion of the exchange where the shares of the deposits. As planned, the brunt of assumed contributions in excess of one hundred thousand euros.

Exchange for shares in the bank are subject only to deposits that exceeded the sum of March 26 to 100,000 euros, including accrued interest. From the amount of contributions that are subject to "haircuts" are excluded loans and other credit obligations. The remaining funds are defined as "the amount of the excess."

With a registered capital of 37.5% translated "excess amount", their bankers are converted into shares of Class "A" on the nominal value of 1 euro and defined as "the amount of the down payment from the deposits." Was temporarily blocked 22.5% of the "excess amount" of deposits. In case of full or partial conversion of shares of Class "A", they will be identified as "additional amount of the contribution from the deposits." Another 30% "excess" amount, reports RIA "Novosti" temporarily frozen.

The Cypriot script, which insisted the powerful, tested in the euro zone crisis is no accident. The fact is that when the already huge bureaucracy country in Europe has grown and matured additional class European bureaucrats who want to manage, but not responsible for the management. The first process is to reach the top opens up incredible opportunities officer at the level of Europe and even the world, but the second one promises inconvenience and trouble. Therefore, it was decided to exclude from the scope of activities. And the crisis was a good reason for that.

"Anti-crisis measures" (they expropriation) of the Cypriot sample - a convenient way to provide anything and everything the market (think of Adam Smith). Weight officials who previously generously handing out loans, financial assistance, suddenly launched a course of 180 degrees, and retired to the "night watchman." Now the task is forwarded to escape by drowning. However, lifeguards, snuggle under umbrellas on the beaches continue to receive salaries. That Adam Smith would not have understood.

Method of solving the Cyprus banking problems in Europe, European officials have decided to extend to the entire banking system of the European Union. Prior to writing off losses of deposits banks must be covered by shareholders and bondholders, and not from the state budget. Against this, however, serve France and Italy, but the latter with its outstanding crisis no one would listen, and France alone can not do anything about it. (In general Hollande badly with the popularity - that abroad that at home).

Large depositors may suffer losses only after the cancellation of the shareholders and bondholders. In the future, troubled banks must first take care of its recapitalization, then turn to the shareholders and bondholders, and then - to investors.

Among the proposals the European Commission are also sold to the cancellation of the inter-bank deposits, open for up to a month.

The plan may take effect from 2018. My God, but by this time the EU can no longer be ...

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei SA recently said the channel "Press TV", that the capitalist economy was not effective: talk to the economic situation in the U.S. and Europe. "Current developments in Europe and the United States - is just the beginning, the conditions will be much worse, as the capitalist economy is moving in the collapse." Ayatollah also said that the existing economic, ethical and cultural issues in the West contribute to the decline of Western civilization.

It should be noted that the base to the Ayatollah was a comrade.

VI. While in Kyrgyzstan decide castration of pedophiles (members of Parliament in the second reading passed a bill that introduces chemical castration for pedophiles) in the Netherlands registered political party, to defend the rights and freedoms of the most pedophiles. The party is called, among other things, as follows: "Charity, Freedom and Diversity".

She intends to fight for the lowering of the age at which you can have sex with 16 to 12 years, and for the legalization of sex with animals (bestiality), and child pornography. The Party demands the legalization of all drugs at the same time and the universal right to free travel on trains.

Political pedophiles are going to "wake from sleep Hague": that is, to overcome social taboos and fight intolerance. They intend to save pedophilia from a negative image in the community by becoming members of parliament.

VII. Regarding the bad policies of neo-colonialism (it is about the West, rather than the difficult French effort to make a new colony gold in Mali) spoke very significant Antonio Estella, a law professor at the University of Madrid King Charles III, specializing in European legislation and plays for the country's withdrawal from the monetary union. This fellow writes: "In reality, we are in even worse conditions of the dictatorship of the Portuguese or Spanish from forty years ago. But today's dictatorship is much more subtle, almost invisible. And it does not represent any organization or any individual, a symbol: the euro. "

Analyst Ivan Rogozhkin calls this "invisible" evrokolonialny option like this: the neo-neo-colonialism.

VIII. On the transformation of so-called Western democracy in a straight dictatorship spoke expert IA «REX», a writer from the United States, Michael Dorfman - in the article "How to democracy degenerated into a dictatorship." Quote:

"On the streets of Western cities not rattled boots Nazis, there was no communist coup. However, over the last 30-40 years, Western liberal democracy in the developed countries of the so-called First World quietly slipped into a state of the police state, extrajudicial rendition, deadly drones, drone attacks, secret prisons, institutionalized torture, stifling regimes national economy, outsourcing and privatization of public services , commercialization policy. Peaceful protests are dispersed systematically against demonstrators regularly used tear gas, stun guns, and sometimes shoot people. Mass surveillance of political dissidents, and in general all citizens, has become the norm. In the corporate world and did totalitarianism reigns, only Fuhrer called business leaders, teamwork - team-work, and achievement-oriented - these are the same figures of the socialist achievements of Stalin's five-year plans. "

How do you like this post-modern virtuoso substitution of concepts in the capitalist world business leaders - the Fuehrer?

Publicist Cyril Myamlin about rightly observes: "... Defending human rights has degenerated into a settling: Minority interests - against the legitimate rights of the majority; greed of the exploiters - against the rights of the exploited. Protection of competition has degenerated into a tyranny of monopolies and protection of the suppression of competitors under the guise of "free trade", the protection of freedom of speech - in only his freedom of speech (up to censorship and banning words opponents under the cover of accusations of "extremism"). Protection of the political rights of the people transformed into the protection of U.S. and global interests of the Israeli state and a strong belief that the legitimacy of the government in any country does not give its own people, but only the U.S. administration ... "

IX. All have heard about the recent special statement of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in the United States Gandalovič Ivan, who had to go to the American citizens to the Czech Republic is not to be confused with Chechnya. Such a statement Czech diplomats prepared after the U.S. segments, "Twitter" and "Facebook's" flooded with messages from angry Americans who accuse the Czech Republic in involvement in the bombings at the Boston Marathon. "The Czech Republic is a country in Central Europe and Chechnya within the Russian Federation", - explained the inhabitants of "Twitter" a diplomatic document.

Earlier, there were publications excerpts of the messages the American people «Twitter», who confuse the Czech Republic and Chechnya:

"In the Czech Republic, good beer, beautiful women and the men who murdered athletes," - wrote one user. "Father of the day a friend sent out SMS, so that none of them had traveled to Czechoslovakia," - says another. "The two terrorists came from the Czech Republic. By the way, where is it at all? "- Asks the third. Czech journalists who viewed posts of Americans «Twitter» about the terrorist attack in Boston, and found this: "Damn the Czech Republic! I believe that now we bombed out of her! "

In addition to the Czech Republic and Chechnya, the Americans occasionally confused with the State of Georgia, Georgia. First there was a lot of confusion at all in 2008, and another in early October 2006. Several popular quotes of the day:

"What do the Russian army in Atlanta?"

"I want answers, dammit."

"Russian - out of the United States."

"It's really terrible, God willing, they will leave."

"So that means dzhordzhintsy sold commies? Let us inflict on them a nuclear strike. "

But what about ordinary Americans, if Harvard slowpoke Obama in the United States totaled fifty seven states and stated that the car invented in the U.S.? However, Bush Jr., another Harvard graduate, rubbed his pants in the White House for eight years, was thinking worse. 43rd President of the United States, and previously the governor of Texas, known for its unhealthy addiction to death in the electric chair and tortured by drowning, believed that Afghanistan and Iraq - is in Africa, Australia confused with Austria, Slovakia with Slovenia, and APEC with OPEC. This Mr. unlearn at the Business School of Harvard University, and Obama graduated from the same law school.

In February this year, about 60 students at Harvard University were expelled after the scandal of massive cheating during exams. About the same number of students suffered "other punishments." Curiously, there has been cheating in the exam on the basis of listening to the course "Fundamentals of the Congress." This course is considered to be one of the easiest.

X. Western civilization did not finish off times above the "Twitter."

In the latest issue of the "Weekly Standard" there was a huge and very interesting article Matt Labasha under the heading "Tvidiokratiya." The word rendered in the name of the very capacious: here you and the remains of "democracy" and "idiocy", and a mixture of the latter with the "Twitter" (tvidiotizm, more simply, as the inhabitants of this network the author calls "tvidiotami").

Comrade Labash at the beginning of this article scares readers that says something about "the unthinkable, heretical." And suddenly declares that they, the readers, never went out and brought him to "tweet."

You can try if you want, he says. But, unlike Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, the Pope, the Dalai Lama and the Church of England (which invited users «Twitter», to help choose the next Archbishop of Canterbury), it Labasha, there can not find. The reason for this is simple: it's not there, and how he hopes never will be.

He writes, "hopes", because «Twidiocracy» penetrates into every crevice of society - and the trend may not leave the choice of the journalist. Future fixated on "Twitter", is the author of the West is extremely grim.

With melancholy and nostalgia journalist recalls those glorious days when people used to live a normal life, and not a combination of a digital body with a luminous screen. Do you still remember the time, he says, when social mediazarazy FacebookTwitterPinterestInstagram did not get all wonder how we talk to each other. Oh, it was a time when the phone is considered as a communication device, not as an extra limb.

Comrade Labash right despises those who use "Twitter". He despises this "inevitable microblogging service," which pushes people out to accommodate the idea of ​​a maximum of one hundred forty characters. And «Twidiocracy» insists that it is necessary to love it for that.

The author hates "Twitter" for his self-righteousness, for what tehnotriumfatory declare anyone who did not join them, outcasts, residents of some desert island.

The journalist hated the fact that «Twitter» converts written words into abbreviations and characters in these "staccato" emptiness. "Tvidioty" squeeze themselves up to 140 characters! People with the expression of the author writes, used to write more wisely than they say. Now it is terribly done what most inclined to talk more intelligently than "tweet."

«Twitter» often makes great writer, a good writer - bad, says the author. This is the format that even professionals can bring to the pathetic level of mediocrity.

Comrade Labash bitterly hates the fact that «Twitter» turns people into brand managers who create brands out of themselves. He hates the fact that «Twitter» making private public. Just think of the conversations between the two close friends, first occurring alone or by e-mail, make the dialogue, produced for the sake of ... "followers"!

According to the article, "Twitter" will soon no stone unturned leave from former strong society.

This network - like a drug, which quickly get used to. It distorts perception. It excludes in-depth look at things.

"Twitter" is full of fakes, threats, fictional "news", hoaxes, abuse, forgery of "followers". Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich - have all been accused of inflating the number of "followers". Almost 70% of the "followers" Obama does not really exist. "Al-Qaeda" and "Taliban" too long mastered «Twitter».

If you think that social media does not make you sick, remember that the tobacco companies hired by "scholars" claim that smoking increases lung capacity.

Youth throws having sex when a message arrives from the network!

A study conducted in the state of Michigan, revealed that excessive consumption of media products can lead to the appearance of symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. A scientist from the University of Oxford said that «Facebook» and «Twitter» lead to narcissism and the "identity crisis" of users. In the UK, the same fear that their children are becoming addicted to social networking. A recent study «Retrevo» showed that 28 percent of iPhone users check updates «Twitter», before you get out of bed, and the other 48 percent do the same thing after you go to sleep. University of Chicago study proved that "tweets" can generate more addictive than cigarettes and alcohol.

Mike Allen of the newspaper «Politico» in his review notes that Matt Labash, in his article about a hundred and forty characters to tell the world about the collapse of Western civilization.


Thus, the amount of The End of Western Civilization are now ten terms. No, we have not come up with them, they were called the residents of the West.

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