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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How to get rich U.S.

In 1913, the U.S. had a negative trade balance, and the North American investment in the economy of other countries, mostly in Latin America, was less than the foreign debt. At the end of 1913 have been posted abroad North American capital in the amount of 2.065 billion dollars, and the States themselves have been $ 5 billion. It must be said that the then U.S. - sample of 1873 were the real currency of each dollar was equal to 1.50463 g. pure gold. But, with the outbreak of World War II picture changed radically. U.S. State of the debtor's creditors have become the world's leading powers.

The First World War claimed millions of lives, devastating tornado walked through the territories of France, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia, and the U.S. government has become for this manna from heaven. On August 1, 1914 to January 1, 1917 the United States provided the belligerent powers of loans by 1.9 billion dollars. Already in April 1915, one of the owners of the financial empire Morgan Thomas Lamont, speaking to the press, said the United States should as much as possible to help European allies, which will cause Americans to repurchase their debt to Great Britain and France. Another great flow loans to European countries went when the U.S. entered the war themselves. Until the end of World War II total credit of more than $ 10 billion. About 7 billion dollars went to buy weapons, ammunition, ammunition, various war materials. And all this was bought in the very same U.S.. Money remained in the United States and stimulated its economy. It is clear that large profits were obtained financial magnates and industrialists. One outcome of the First World War was the transformation of the United States of the world's largest creditor to the debtor. France and Great Britain, by contrast, the world's largest lenders have become debtors.

In the case of France, the transformation of the country into a major debtor responsible for the fact that its territory were protracted fighting, millions of workers have been isolated from the national economy and the northeast, where it was concentrated much of the heavy industry was under German occupation. French gold reserves when the war was estimated at 845 million dollars, and it was spent in the first months of World War II.

An interesting fact is that in informal conversations with their British counterparts, American statesmen of the war and the first time after it was assured that after the war the U.S. will write off the debts, some to pass on to the conquered country. The schedule of payments of debtor proposed to link with the schedule they have received reparations from the defeated powers. The situation for the debtor countries cleared in March 1920, when a U.S. financial institution in response to a message from the British Minister of Finance reported that the United States does not care about the delay of payments from Germany, England, the United States has to pay on time. In a letter dated November 3, 1920, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George asked U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to renegotiate payments. However, the response of the American president was maintained at about the same spirit as the post of the finance department. As a result, the issue of military debt was submitted to the Genoa Conference. It was decided that the 4 billion 600 million dollars that Britain was to the U.S., will be paid within 62 years. In this case, up to 1932, the British had to pay 3% per annum, and from 1933 to the end of payments - 3.5%. As a result, the amount of interest was higher than the amount of debt. England had to pay 11 billion 105 million dollars. Despite the fact that most of the German reparations received France - 54.4%, and England was 23%.

Berlin was obliged to pay an annual staranm-winners by 650 million dollars, of which 149 million 760 thousand dollars owed England. Until 1933, London was the Americans should transfer each year to 138 million. Thus, almost all German reparations, which relied England absorbed the U.S.. However, in 1923, Germany was unable to pay any brand. France in response to the occupation of the Ruhr. The British convened the London Conference, which in August 1924 approved a new reparations plan for Germany. It has developed an international committee of experts, headed by American banker Charles Dawes Gheit.

The plan was adopted under U.S. pressure. To trigger the German economy, the plan Dawes Berlin not only to pay reparations, but also get an international loan. Germany initially granted a loan of 200 million dollars (110 million U.S. banks have provided) for stabilization of the mark. Until 1929, Germany received loans worth 21 billion marks, mainly from the U.S.. Therefore, the first year of implementation of the Dawes Plan Berlin had only themselves to pay 200 million gold marks. Dawes Plan found that in 1924 the Germans to pay reparations of $ 1 billion gold marks (which then was about 238 million dollars) in the first few years, the amount grew to 1.75 billion gold marks, and in 1928 was increase to 2.5 billion marks. Thus, Germany's annual payments are reduced significantly, and now most of the annual payments to the United States the English had to pay out of pocket. Besides, these amounts Berlin paid regularly, and in the early 1930s, stopped paying altogether.

The Hague Conference on Reparations 1929-1930. adopted the background reparation payments Germany (Young Plan). U.S. does not officially take part in the conference, but in fact have initiated the Young Plan. The plan was prepared by a team of financial experts headed by American Owen Young and reflect the interests of the individual, especially the U.S., creditors Germany. U.S. put pressure on the participants to the plan was adopted. Young Plan called for a reduction in the size of annual payments - an average of 2 billion marks canceled reparations tax on industry and reduced taxation of transport, destruction of foreign regulatory agencies. It also provides a reduction in the total German payments to 113.9 billion gold marks with maturity 37 years (possible revision in the future.) However, the plan was valid only for one year. In 1931, Chancellor Heinrich BrĂ¼ning was able to introduce a moratorium on reparations payments and more Germans paid nothing. Another blow to the UK Treasury paid the Soviet Union, which refused to recognize the debts of the king, and the interim government - 13.2 billion gold rubles (taking into account the Government's debt Kolchak, Wrangel, Miller and other "governments" of Russia - 18.5 billion rubles in gold ). As a result of the First World War, the major world powers - Britain, France, Germany and Italy, have become debtors of the United States.

More U.S. earned in World War II. September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland on September 16 is the Polish government and the high command of the country fled to Romania. Along with them was taken from Poland and gold reserves of the country. Soon he came from Romania to France. France was also gold, the defeated Belgium. After being defeated by France, Polish, Belgian, Dutch part of the gold, and most importantly, the gold reserves of the National Bank of France, which was at the end of May 1940 2 billion 477 million dollars, were taken to the French Africa. In November 1942, the Americans landed in Dakar, in 1943, gold was transported to the U.S. and migrated to the store in Fort Knox. Even before the Americans evacuated Norwegian gold. True, it was not so much before the German occupation, there was no gold at 84 million dollars.

In addition, it should be noted that the gold, silver, and various jewels of Europe, as it were, have flocked to the United States. Their owners, individuals, firms transferred their savings in a safe place - the United States, because the war was raging in Europe. Thus, in October 1939, the U.S. Federal Reserve kept gold worth 17 billion dollars, by February 1940, this amount had already increased to a billion (at that time the dollar was worth something like 25-26 today). Since the beginning of active hostilities in Europe inflow of gold in the United States is even more increased. Thus, only for 10-14 May 1940 in the United States received gold in 46 million dollars. When it became clear that France is doomed thread has grown more - for June 3-4 in the United States received a gold for 500 million dollars.

Must also be the fate of that U.S. firms earned on financing the Third Reich. During the war, the U.S. enriched by supplying arms and munitions to the Allies. When the war ended, the U.S. gave the war ravaged European countries have already borrowed. Europeans for loans to buy U.S. goods. The U.S. economy grew, and get it back again and have already been given to the growth of the younger partners. So, December 6, 1945 between the United States and Britain signed a loan agreement, which entered into force on 15 July 1946. According to it, the British received 3 billion 750 million dollars. Article 6 of the agreement prohibited the UK before 1951 to borrow from other countries and use the money to pay off other loans. The Article 9 prohibits the use of the loan for the purchase of non-US products. U.S. immediately after the entry into force of the Treaty raised the price of their goods. England had lost up to 28% of the loan amount due to the increase in commodity prices. Part of the money was lost due to exchange dollars for pounds (more than 6% of the total).

In 1947, U.S. Secretary of State George C. Marshall was nominated "European Recovery Program" (Marshall Plan). The plan went into effect in 1948 and covered 17 European countries. In fact, the U.S. put them under its financial and economic control.

Thus, the United States began after World War II, the richest country in the world, after robbing, rob and enslave much of the world. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that for the American financial and industrial groups to actively participate in the preparation and fueling fires first and second world wars. Two world wars have allowed the U.S. to establish financial control over the planet.

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